As I am writing this, my husband is talking to the dog as if she is human. (We like our animals here.) He is asking her if she really needs to go outside right now and is telling her that if she is just going out to mess around and not go potty, there will be consequences.
While Cassie and Alex's cat was living with us, there was some confusion with the animals. You see Bob does not use the right pronouns to describe the animals. Which really doesn't matter, because everyone is fixed anyway. I'm not sure of the criteria he uses to determine what animal is he or she -- most of the family has just gotten used to this.
Alex is not going to go along with this. He knows who is what and has illustrated this for us and posted it on the refrigerator. (See drawing.) Note: the cat with the striped tail is our Milo and he is "he". The cat without stripes or coloring is Harley-Girl and is "she". The animal saying 'bark" -- that's Maggie --"she".
Alex is an artist like his mother, isn't he?
Quite artistic and smart too.
Way to go Alex. I'm glad you're keeping Grandma and Grandpa in line.
Good job, Alex. When referring to animals, Randy calls all the small cute ones "she" and the big ones "he." No matter what species or gender.
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