Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time Change

Last Sunday is one of my most favorite days of the year. The day when Daylight Savings Time ends and we get to "fall back." I don't change my clocks until at least the evening, if not the next day, just so I can look at it, and think "huh, it's really not that late."

Now -- in contrast -- today is one of my least favorites. Because it's the day to go back to work after the time change. And -- all day -- I think, " it feels like it should be later." And of course, it gets dark pretty early now, too.

I think Mother used to say "you can't win for losing." What does that mean? Is it applicable here?

1 comment:

Sue said...

Can't win for losing is when you are in a no win situation. Like damned if you do and damned if you don't. Guess it can apply to the time change.
If you die during daylight savings time, do you lose an hour from your life?