Wednesday, August 8, 2007

When I was 18

How did I see my future when I was 18? I don't think I had a clue. I am sure I never even imagined being 50. I didn't see options or choices to make. I guess I thought someone would just tell me what to do next. I'm not sure who did tell me to go to business school...maybe Mother, or Suzie. It had worked out for Suzie, so I guessed I could make it do for me, too.

Before anyone just assumes here that I was a total airhead, which I would have to admit to a bit, I do state in my defense that I turned 18 just about 6 weeks after Dad died. That pretty much muds up any memories of what I may have been thinking about anything. I have wondered how my life would have been different had that not happened. I can see Mother's life different and in turn, mine. Who knows.

The second part of the question comparing the 18-year-old's vision with the reality is tough. I know I did not see this reality but I like it. There's bumps and adjustments, and things to fix, and worries to wonder about, but my family fascinates me and makes me laugh and cry and wonder.